Price - 20 000 UAH.
A Permanent Residence Permit is a document, which confirm the right of a foreigner or stateless person to permanently reside in Ukraine, including the right of the foreigner to save his citizenship and, at the same time, stay in Ukraine without leaving or receiving other permits or visa documents.
With Permanent Residence Permit, you enjoy the same rights as the Ukrainians, except the right to hold public office, as well as to participate in the elections to the State Duma of Ukraine, the measure's election. You don't need to get a work permit and be limited to working at one company.
Who has the right to get a Permanent Residence Permit in Ukraine?
- Persons whose immigration meets the interests of the state (for example, researchers or cultural workers, specialists who have a scientific degree in areas, which are needed on the territory of Ukraine;
- Foreign citizens who have invested no less than 100 000 USD in the economy of our country (which should be confirmed by legislation on registration of investments in state administration);
- A foreign citizen, who is a relative of a Ukrainian citizen (siblings, parents, grandchildren, grandparents);
- Foreign citizens, who were citizens of Ukraine some time ago, but renounced their citizenship;
- Close relatives of the immigrant (husband, wife, children, parents);
- Foreigners, who have had refugee status in Ukraine for at least three years and their families;
- Persons, who are guardians or trustees of citizens of Ukraine, or who are under the care or guardianship of citizens of Ukraine.
The cost and the terms of receiving a Permanent Residence Permit:
8000 UAH - the terms of receipt depends on the provided documents and the grounds for obtaining PRP.
The term of receipt does not include the time for coordination of the source data and documents with the client.
Based on the practice of obtaining PRP, our company will help you get it from 3.5 to 5 months from the date of application.
If you will turn to us you will not have to stand in line in State Migration Service.
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